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Carissima Keatley

Who am I?
A 30-something, curly-haired, book-loving, coffee-and-red-wine drinker.
Oregonian, now Texan.
Lover of fashion, books, coffee+tea, and European style.
When I created this blog, I wanted to be like those bloggers I admire. You know, the ones who show off their fashionable finds, go on amazing trips to exotic locations worldwide, and get gifts from excellent and expensive companies. Then I realized that I am not like those women at all. Instead, I am a fashion-loving, book-reading, Netflix-and-TikTok-binging kind of American woman. A woman who is...average. I realized it's okay to be moderate and show that an average life can be pretty amazing, too.
So here I am, Carissima, ready to show off my average life and realize it's pretty spectacular.
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