On the 19th of August, my goddaughter will be baptized. It is a very special moment, one that will be cherished forever by parents, family, and godparents alike. However, today I am asking for your support. As a recent college graduate, life is a little bit dfficult in the financial area. I have recently set up a Go Fund Me account and am hoping that you might consider supporting the opportunity to get to Virginia. All of your donations will go towards travel expenses only, and as a thank you, you will be entered into a drawing for a beautiful handmade star quilt, made by yours truly (see the second photo, below!). I hope you consider helping me, inorder that I may in turn help and support my goddaughter and her family for all the years to come.
Click on the photo below to donate!
For each donation, you will be entered into a drawing for this beautiful star quilt!